This Standards Adoption Workshop was conducted on 15 Dec 2016 to share about TR 46 : 2016 and how it can improve buyer online shopping experience by enhancing logistics efficiency.
This Standards Adoption Workshop was conducted on 15 Dec 2016 to share about TR 46 : 2016 and how it can improve buyer online shopping experience by enhancing logistics efficiency. Users can make use of one common messaging format to send datasets’ messages from the eCommerce merchant to the logistics service provider without the need to re-design another proprietary interface to receive data messages. Common interface will boost efficiency by reducing time, minimizing errors during different segments of the process chain and providing seamless transactional experience. With a unique delivery ID and standardised documentation flow along each stage of order fulfilment, tracking and retrieving order delivery status by all parties is now made easier and quicker.
In the first session of this workshop, Mr Matthew Teo, convener of Retail Service Framework Working Group focused on the overview and benefits of TR46. The second session of this workshop focused on understanding TR46 : 2016 and how it actually works with Digital Commerce. Our speaker, Mr Vincent Lau, is the chairman of Digital Commerce Interest Group, and Committee member, of EEAI Industry Group under Singapore Manufacturing Federation. Lastly, Mr Daniel Phang, member of Retail Service Framework Working Group shared about the Implementation of TR46 : 2016.
Mr Kwok Wing Kit, Secretariat of Manufacturing Standard Committee, sharing about the Singapore Standardisation Programme